Tuesday, 5 June 2018

A return to WOYWW

Hi, remember me?

Most of you will probably have found me via the WOYWW Mr Linky hosted by the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. If you have found me through another route, please feel free to have a nosey at all of the blogs linked to Julia's page.. there are some clever people out there and please feel free to join in.

I started my WOYWW journey in 2017, but didn't last very long for a few reasons. If you want to know what I have been up to during my roadbump just click the link.

As you can tell, my desk photo was taken last night (Tuesday) as I  knew how unlikely it was that I would remember to take it when I awoke at 6am for work.

It's not like it changed much overnight... the cats seem to leave the room alone unless I am in there.

Not a very tidy desk.. but a happy one!

The first thing you will notice is mess (or rather the trail of creativity which has yet to be returned from whence it came.

I did have a big tidy up a month ago and donated some of my unused bits to my friend Lynda for her childminding kids to play with.. but alas making anything causes a mini explosion of ideas.

So what exactly have I been making? Well I wrote another blog post about my Top 10 Makes of 2018 (so far). Click the link if you are curious :)

My family (5 members of!) will shortly be arriving in the UK to visit.. so by next week my desk should be very tidy! No really.. it will... maybe... please... HELP!

Before I go I wanted to remind you that Father'sDay is the 17th June.. just in case you need to start/finish your cards. I need to make one for my Father in Law... but I think this one would be ideal for Ian... don't you?


With love from his cat babies


and of course

Sumbunneh hugs x



  1. good to see you back just in time to go again! have a great time with your visiting family! Helen #3

  2. Hope you get tidy in time for your family's visit. I love to see an untidy / creative desk. Thanks for the reminder about Father's Day. Sarah #4

    1. Thank Sarah.. they aren't here for a couple of weeks yet.. I just want to make room to craft with my 12 year old nephew... but we couple always take over the dining room!

  3. Gosh, Erika, I feel like I have been gone FAR too long, too. I think this is my first visit to your blog, but I am delighted to meet you. Bleubeard and Squiggles are happy to meet your lovely fur babies, too! Happy WOYWW from #2.

    1. Thank you for stopping by. It's lovely to meet you too!

  4. Hello lovely Erika, nice to see you! You can dip in and out as it pleases you, but we like it when you dont leave it too long! Your desk looks happy to me, I can’t work out the black thing with the strap right in the middle though! You must be v excited about the family coming. If you run out of time....shut the door on it, it will be fine!!

    1. Hiii xx
      I am hoping to be around more than less as I really do enjoy it!
      The black case with strap contains 12 Spectrum Noir Sparkle pens! I was using them on the colouring book (below them) at the craft club a couple of weeks ago. They are great with a water pen :)

  5. Awww, the kitties totally stole the show LOL - love the poem, but in my house it's me doing all the cat chores! We've only got the one, so that's ok. Lovely to have you back on WOYWW! Happy crafting! zsuzsa #20

    1. Hi.. thank you for stopping by :) in our house I take care of feeding and petting and snuggling.. hubby cleans up and flea/worm treats them. I definitely have the better job!

  6. Great to see you blogging Erika and reading all about your crafy journey. Your cats are so gorgeous and the father's day card is perfect xx

    1. Thank you Jane.. it's good to get back into it :)

  7. Hi Erika, that card is awesome! He'll love it, I'm sure. You must be super excited by now, not long at all. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #18 XxX

    1. Hugs Shaz x I will be at Your blog soon.. can't hop so freely at work lol
      Super excited indeed but so much to do before they get here!

  8. Your desk isn't a mess - it's full of creativity loveliness. I've just returned to WOYWW too after quite a long break. Hazel, # 22 x

    1. Welcome back too xx I will be hopping over to you soon.
      I love a messy desk.. but I need to get to ground zero before my nephew gets here so I have room for him to play too!

  9. Love all the cats and your verse for father's day. have a great week. Monica #27

  10. That father's Day card is so sweet! Sure he will love it. I might say a messy desk is a happy desk and I'm sticking to that as you will see when you visit mine. Happy woyww, Angela x16x

    1. I totally agree.. the messy-er the merrier I think! :)

  11. Hi Erika, Nice busy desk.

    Fathers day card is fab.

    Love your cats.

    Have a lovely time with your family.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #10

  12. Hi there. Thanks for popping by. Love the kitties! Cute card :-) Always wonderful to have family visiting. Not a messy desk, a creative one!!!! Anne x #17

    1. Thank you for paying me a visit :)
      I prefer my desk messy.. but not because I've been lazy by not put things away lol x

  13. I like explosions of creativity, hope to have several myself in the next posts! I love your cat pictures. I've two of my own, plus two Great Danes, so it can get crowded in my creative space lol! Thanks for the visit!
    Angie #26

    1. Creative explosions are exciting aren't they? Awww I bet your space gets crowded with 4 furbabies :)
      I love when my cats visit me when I am crafting.. they have their own chair.. although they aren't happy unless the windowsill is clear to supervise my creativity :)

  14. Hi Erika, love the father's day card from the cats! Made me laugh. Your desk is one of those I would love to snoop on, just looks so inviting! Have a great time with your family. Thanks for stopping by earlier and I hope I don't have to wait 5 years for Mr M to sort my lights! I'll threaten to do it myself, that should spur him on lol. Have a lovely week Heather x #14

    1. Hahaha... actually that was how I got hubby to do mine... asked him how to do it and he decided it was safer to do it himself lol.

      Snoop anytime.. you never know what you may find!

  15. Erika! Good to see you back on the desks again...I read your other blog and admire the way you tackled the tricky stuff head on, good lass! Hope you have a ball with your family 😊
    Hugs LLJ 11. Xx

    1. Thank you Jan.. there were some pretty down days when I was trying to figure it all out... but I got there on the end :)

  16. Love your cats! My desk is often like yours...I can't create neatly..chaos everywhere. Have fun with your family and thanks for your comment on Julias blog. Caro #30

    1. Chaos is great... but not when your 12 year old nephew is coming for 2 weeks lol.
      Thank you for stooping by x

  17. Nice to see you and those cute cats. xx Jo

  18. Hi Erika,
    The cats are definitely hogging the limelight in this post - they are gorgeous! I just read your other blog and am very impressed at how you have tackled things head on with great determination - not always easy to do, as I know from experience! Good for you - hope you have a great week and sorry I'm running late
    Diana x #21

    1. Hi Diana,
      We can only do the best we can and hope it is enough.

      Yes.. the kitties rule the roost with their cuteness for sure!

  19. Oh what beautiful babies you have! I love the card, I may just have to steal it! My DH does all those things for our Inky! As for your desk - nothing better than a happy desk! Thanks for your visit and have a great week, Lindart #31

    1. Steal away... I got the idea from FB anyway :)

  20. Happy Belated WOYWW! OMG! Can I please steal your Fathers day card saying? Please, please, please??? I love the happy desk, have fun with your family and thanks for stopping by.
    -K #27

    1. I stole the idea from Facebook... so feel free xxx

  21. Oh my, Erika! Welcome back!!! And thank you for the visit! What adorable furbabies. Love the card they're giving daddy for Father's Day. So adorable! Look forward to visiting you again. Creative Blessings! Kelly #24
