Monday, 2 January 2017

My First Blog

Ummm so... hi!
I am trying to figure out how to use this :)
Big thanks to Shaz for fixing my logo for me so I can watermark photos xx

I even figured out how to add a photo... yummy cookie bunnies :)


  1. Yay! You are now officially in Blogland! XX Shaz

  2. Just tried the link on Julia's page, and it's not working. To get it to link, just open your own blog in a separate window, then highlight & copy your blog addy in the address bar. Now go back to Julia's page, put your name in the name bar, and paste your blog addy in the URL bar, then click link. You should find that after you've done it once, it will be saved, so every week you visit after that you just have to click on link. Hope you are well, Hugs, Shaz xx

    1. It will get easier for sure lol.. at least I know a little more now.. and if I keep learning a little more and a little more.. things can only get better :)

      Now, if only I can remember to hit Publish instead of Sign out.. life will be better :)

  3. I saw this and thought, "I want a cookie..." then I remembered I have cookies in my backpack. Thank you for saving my day!

    1. Awww so welcome. I bought these in San Francisco because it said the serving size is 31 cookies... 31!!! Where else will you ever see that lol
